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He toronto city gets a to to to rating in terms of the level of demand for services by its residents over the course of a typical 12-month calendar year. That is the conclusion of an analysis of time series data using the TIME SERIES Outlier and Anomaly Detection Template of Toronto 311 Service Requests – Customer Initiated data files between 2010 and 2022, both inclusive.
The time series segmentation analysis involved summarizing 4,735,000 records from Toronto 311 call center data according to the Average number of service requests per month within each of the 708 Service Request Types that the Toronto 311 Call Center has handled over the past last 13 years. These requests range from resident complaints about neighborhood noise, potholes, wild animals, and trash pickup.
Once summarized, a time series algorithm using the one mentioned above TIME SERIES Outlier and Anomaly Detection Template was applied to data from the Toronto 311 call center. Analyzed the average number of service requests per month for each type of service request and assigned a letter grade (based on a 12-point grading scale used by colleges) ranging from A+ to F. You can Download a FREE SAMPLE OUTPUT of the TIME SERIES Outlier and Anomaly Detection Template without the Letter Grade system that was run on a sample over two years of Winnipeg 311 – Customer Initiated Data.
An A+ rating indicates that the level of demand from Toronto residents for a type of service request in a given year is stable and consistently low. Service request types assigned an F rating are those for which resident demand is consistently and unusually high throughout the year. “Unusually high” is a measure based on the box-and-whisker plot theory which uses a statistical formula to find outliers and anomalies in data sets.
Nearly 9% of service request types analyzed by the algorithm received a letter grade grade between B+ and D-. These ratings indicate the types of service requests for which resident demand is unusually high anywhere between 3 and 11 months of a typical 12-month calendar year.
For example, the Service Request Type Residential: Recycle Bin: Exchange to Medium received a C+ rating. The algorithm found that in 6 out of 12 months of the calendar year, demand from residents, as measured by calls to the Toronto 311 call center over the past 13 years, is unusually high.