tl; dr
- Kiln🧱🔥 is up, check it out
- #TestingTheMerge is in full swing. Do your part, participate!
Kiln🧱🔥 is ready, check it out
A week ago, the Kiln🧱🔥 testnet went through the Merge transition to evolve from a PoW testnet to a fully functional PoS testnet.
If you run validators on Mainnet, now is the time to test your post-merge configurations. jump to the oven home page and dig.
Really. Is the time.
#TestingTheMerge is in full swing. Involve!
The transition from PoW to PoS on Kiln was not without its problems. Due to a coding error, Prysm was producing invalid blockswhile some of the running clients had other synchronization related errors during the transition.
Even though the clients are now fully featured and nearing production-ready, minor software bugs still crop up here and there. While these aren’t fundamental issues with the core specs and research, this does point to something we’ve been saying for quite some time: security and testing will be the long tail that defines Merge’s final release date.
To this end, customer teams, security researchers, and testers are doubling down on testing on all fronts for the next 4 weeks or more in preparation for updating public testnets. These efforts include hive testing, kurtosis testnet builds, Antithesis Coverage-guided network fuzzing, Goerli and Mainnet shadow-forking, manual code review, fuzzing through the stack, improving consensus testing, and more!
On the fuzzing front, we want to give a big shout out to block daemon for providing the Merge test effort with $900k in IBM Cloud credits. Fuzzing is all about throwing more resources at the problem than your adversary, so with these credits we’re sure we can eliminate all the bugs there are to be found. thank you 🙏
The #TestingTheMerge effort is in full force. Whether it’s running a validator on Kiln, testing your developer workflow, writing a tutorial, improving the documentation, or creating a new exotic fuzzer, every last bit counts!
This is the biggest blockchain upgrade in history. Period. So do your part to make it a success: join us at the Eth Research and Development Discord on the channel Merge #testing 🚀