With the rapid advance of technology , educational leaders face the challenge of integrating new tools in teaching and learning processes effectively. Despite the availability of innovative technologies, educators often hesitate to adopt these tools due to various implementation challenges.
Technological planning has been a problem for educational leaders to address since the end of the 1990s, if not before. A lot of articles, volumes and blog publications are available on how to effectively plan technology . However, some key reminders can be useful for all as the New Year begins.
<h2 id="1-educational-leaders-need-to-make-sure-that-any-new-technology -implementation-has-a-primary-advocate-or-champion-with-a-clear-plan-3″>1. The educational leaders must ensure that any new technology implementation has a principal defender with a clear plan
When selecting the project champion, it is essential to choose someone with a solid understanding of technology and their alignment with the objectives of the organization. The individual must have excellent leadership and communication skills to effectively advocate the project and involve interested parties. In addition, the project champion must have influence and credibility within the organization to boost adoption and ensure the necessary resources for successful implementation.
Large projects can have multiple champions throughout the organization, but without a clear defense to encourage the purchase of end users, implementation can have difficulties or fail.
For example, when implementing a new 1: 1 program a few years ago, the district superintendent appointed one of the school deputy director as leader of the main program and animator. He was able to regularly gather teachers to encourage their planning, provide support and maintain the informed cabinet of the necessary resources. She could be a key voice for the success of the program in a variety of contexts.
2. Communication is essential for the successful implementation of almost any project
Communication must be proactive and relevant. Users must understand when, why and how new systems will work and how they will benefit end users. Opportities must be provided to “kick the tires” of the new system in the form of a sandbox version or at least one sample that users can use to practice common tasks. The deadlines must be clearly articulated for all users.
A key aspect of communication is that beyond the champion of the project at the leadership level, end users should receive someone to contact if they have questions or concerns during implementation. Without a single contact point, it is easy for end users to be frustrated or confused while struggling who can help solve problems. This is especially true for situations in which practices are changed due to the new system.
The establishment of a dedicated support link can optimize communication, ensuring that consultations are addressed quickly and consistently; Almost anyone can relate to the frustration experienced by an end user when they are considered between contacts or tell them: “I am not sure who can help you with that. . “By designating a specific contact, it encourages user's confidence and encourages commitment to new technology by providing a clear orientation and timely solutions.
Effective communication channels contribute to a softer implementation process and higher levels of user satisfaction.
3. All users must receive training with purpose
End users must receive training opportunities in a variety of modalities, since they come in a variety of flavors. Providing practical training, videos and/or job aid can be effective in making sure that all users find a way to connect with learning.
After any initial training, those who attended to receive comments on the effectiveness of training and what outstanding needs should still be addressed. All training must include contact information for support, the work necessary to work through the articles covered in training, where to go to more information and how to register to obtain additional training.
The collection of general comments of users about the success of the implementation is essential. It can help guarantee success and improve future implementations as well.
Ultimately, the success of new technology implementations depends on effective leadership, clear communication and comprehensive training. As educators continue to browse the scenario in an evolution of educational technology , it is imperative to remain adaptable and committed to continuous improvement.