2024 was a great year for <a target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="chakra-link css-ug8vf0" href="http://ethereum.org/”>ethereum.orgAnd as we already have our hands full with projects and initiatives for 2025, it's important to take a moment to celebrate the achievements the community made possible last year.
With that in mind, we've put together a roundup of our 2024 highlights. We hope you enjoy reading it!
Blobs Everywhere: Dencun FAQ Released
In 2023, we will build a comprehensive hub for the ethereum protocol roadmap in <a target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="chakra-link css-ug8vf0" href="https://ethereum.org/roadmap/”>ethereum.org. A few months later, in March 2024, the Cancún-Deneb (also known as dencun) network update has been implemented. As questions started coming in, it was time to create an FAQ-style page to explain what the latest update was about.
<h3 class="chakra-heading css-145upk7" id="scaling-ethereum-one-word-at-a-time-ethereumorg-translatathon”>Scaling ethereum, one word at a time: ethereum.org Translatathon
The second edition of ethereum.org <a target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="chakra-link css-ug8vf0" href="https://ethereum.org/en/contributing/translation-program/translatathon/”>TranslateThe annual translation contest to increase the amount of non-English ethereum content exceeded all expectations: over the course of two weeks, 327 participants translated 2.53 million words, helping ethereum-related content ethereum was accessible in 70 languages. With the support of our global community, we also facilitate 12 in-person translation centers on four continents.
The next edition of the Translatathon will be announced in the coming weeks; In the meantime, you can find the summary of the 2024 edition here.
Better, faster, more powerful: Migrate our UI library to ShadCN
After extensive work to improve website performance in 2023, we realized that our previous UI library was preventing us from delivering the best performance and user experience. Since ethereum.org is visited by people from all over the world, using a variety of devices and sometimes slower internet connections, we needed our user interface to work seamlessly for everyone.
That's why, together with the community, we decided to change our UI library to ShadCN, which is based on Tailwind CSS, a well-known, performance-focused library widely used by developers.
While the migration is almost complete, you can follow the progress on our <a target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="chakra-link css-ug8vf0" href="https://github.com/ethereum/ethereum-org-website/issues/13946″>GitHub repository.
Meeting: Devcon SEA
In mar devconethereum.org made a big impression by exhibiting at the Impact Forum during the first two days of the event: we welcomed over 400 visitors and were able to share the mission of ethereum.org, while fostering connections within the community. About 200 merchandise items (including t-shirts, coloring books and postcards) were distributed to contributors, adding a fun and memorable touch.
<img alt="" src="https://blog.ethereum.org/images/posts/2025/01/devcon.png” class=”chakra-image css-hw6q2r”/>
Recognizing stellar contributions: Contributor Recognition Program
The Contributor Recognition Program is a year-long initiative within the ethereum.org community designed to recognize and reward members for their useful contributions to the ethereum.org portal. In 2024, more than 800 “proof of contribution” badges were distributed in four categories (GitHub, content, design and translations) on platforms such as POAP, GitPOAPand Mistaken.
More L2? More L2 content!
In 2024, we publish important updates about the <a target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="chakra-link css-ug8vf0" href="https://ethereum.org/layer-2/”>Layer 2 (L2) content available on ethereum.org, reflecting the importance of scaling solutions in the ethereum ecosystem. The website introduced a more complete and beginner-friendly L2 section, featuring interactive guides, images and comparisons of popular L2 solutions.
A new look: revamping the ethereum.org homepage
Over the last decade, ethereum.org has undergone many transformations and finally settled on the blue-purple pastel design it has recognized since 2020. A homepage refresh was long overdue, and our goal was to continue showing what it's all about. ethereum. and highlighting how anyone can participate.
Open source at the heart: participate in Hacktoberfest 2024
In October we joined forces with Hacktoberfesta global initiative to encourage contributions to open source projects. With over 40 PRs submitted, we can't thank enough the 20 contributors who joined ethereum.org in this month-long effort, contributing on all fronts: content, design, migrations, and tons of bug fixes.
<h3 class="chakra-heading css-145upk7" id="ethereum-jargon-translated-introducing-ethglossary”>ethereum Jargon, Translated: ETHGlossary Presentation
As part of the Translatathon, we created ETHGlossary—a platform that gamifies the ethereum term translation process. Users can vote on the best translations of key concepts and discuss why certain translations work (or don't). So far, we have received almost 7,000 translations in more than 40 languages, confirming that ETHGlossary plays an important role in creating a comprehensive glossary of ethereum terminology in all languages.
<img alt="" src="https://blog.ethereum.org/images/posts/2025/01/glossary.png” class=”chakra-image css-hw6q2r”/>
Community Connection: Community Calls, Quality Assurance Sessions, and Office Hours
In 2024, we organize 38 events in <a target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="chakra-link css-ug8vf0" href="http://ethereum.org/”>ethereum.orgThe Discord server. These ranged from office hours, where we simplified complex ethereum topics for beginners, to monthly community calls, where we provided updates on the portal and ecosystem. We also held bi-weekly Q&A sessions, where contributors got hands-on testing of new releases on <a target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="chakra-link css-ug8vf0" href="http://ethereum.org/”>ethereum.org—It's safe to say we spent a lot of time online last year!
Do you want to be aware of upcoming events? Check our calendar at <a target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="chakra-link css-ug8vf0" href="https://ethereum.org/en/”>ethereum.org.
A new home on the web: Next Billion and ETHproofs.org
In addition to maintaining ethereum.org, our core team also supports web development for various initiatives within the ethereum Foundation. Over the past year, we collaborated on the design and launch of new websites for <a target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="chakra-link css-ug8vf0" href="https://nxbn.ethereum.foundation/”>Next Billion Scholarship and eth tests—These collaborations reflect our commitment to supporting impactful initiatives throughout the community.
In 2025, we will evolve the way we build <a target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="chakra-link css-ug8vf0" href="http://ethereum.org/”>ethereum.org. Starting in January, we will adopt the Shape Up methodology, which consists of 8-week periods (“cycles”) focused on features and shipping initiatives. We will share more about this soon!
While we will continue to produce annual product roadmaps, going forward we will publish 'cyclical roadmaps' to our GitHub repository.<a target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="chakra-link css-ug8vf0" href="https://github.com/ethereum/ethereum-org-website/issues/14726″>You can find what we will work on in this first cycle here..
Our community continues to be an essential part of the construction. <a target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="chakra-link css-ug8vf0" href="http://ethereum.org”>ethereum.org — you can check how you can get started <a target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="chakra-link css-ug8vf0" href="https://ethereum.org/contributing/”>contributing (for example, writing or revising content, creating new designs, translating the website, developing new features or fixing errors, and many more possibilities) <a target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="chakra-link css-ug8vf0" href="https://ethereum.org/contributing/”>on our collaborator pages.
Thanks again to everyone involved in making ethereum.org possible. Here's to a great 2025!