Piton illuminated It's great for creating interactive maps from a GIS data set.
Interactive maps that allow input from your audience can be used for deeper analysis and storytelling.
Piton illuminated It's the right tool for the job. It can be used together with the pandas for easy creation and manipulation of data frames.
Let's test this with a deep and detailed data set on a very prescient topic: the apparent escalation of wildfires. There is an excellent public data set on wildfires available on the site managed by Natural Resources Canada.
With this detailed data set, let's take a modular approach to our data analysis and create:
- TO static map which shows all forest fires in Canada over a period of time (i.e. a particular year).
- A interactive map that allows the user to select a shorter time period (i.e. a dropdown by year) to view more granular data.
- TO bar graph that shows more granularity: the number of fires at the provincial level.